Students of the 4th grade made a research about the oceans. They made a planisphere with labels to allow colleages to find the five oceans.
These essential principles are key ideas that society should know Ocean:
Principle 1. The Earth has a global and diverse ocean .
Principle 2. The ocean and marine life have a strong action on Earth dynamics .
Principle 3. The ocean has a major influence on climate .
Principle 4. The Ocean allows the Earth to be habitable .
Principle 5. The Ocean supports an immense diversity of life and ecosystems.
Principle 6. Ocean and Humanity are closely intertwined.
Principle 7. There is plenty to discover and explore the ocean.
Some curiosities: . The origin of the ocean´s names: . Atlantic Ocean: his name has mythological origin, derived from Atlas, son of the name of the God of the Seas - Neptune. . Pacific Ocean: his name has historical origin. In 1520, the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan go to the South American coast, west of the Andes, was struck by their calm waters so he choose the name given to this (Pacific). Its name, however, contradicts literally on your real dynamic, since this is part of the Fire Circle, constantly being affected by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes (earthquakes and tsunamis). . Indian Ocean: his name has geographical origin, as it bathes the coastline of India and Indonesia. . Arctic Ocean: its origin is also geographic. It is located at the North Pole, in the constellation Ursa Minor. The name also it is derived from the Greek word arctos, which means "bear". . Southern Ocean: is another ocean whose origin of the name is geographical. This, in turn, receives this name because it is located in the opposite geographical position to the Arctic Ocean (Arctic - Antarctic)
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