Saturday 18 July 2015

Final Evaluation Questionary

Comenius - Questionário de avaliação


    Teve conhecimento do Projeto Comenius " Around Europe, from the Baltic Sea (Amber Sea) to de Black Sea, play, sing and learn together"?

    Sabes quais os países intervenientes?

    Qual o tema principal do projecto?

    Participou em alguma atividade do projeto?

    Se respondeu sim, indique qual:

    Qual a sua opinião acerca da existência destes programas europeus?

    Na sua opinião, qual a mais valia do projeto?


    Visitou o blog do projeto?

    Se a resposta anterior foi sim, indique a sua opinião.
    1-nada interessante, 2-pouco interessante,3-Interessante,4- Bastante Interessante

    De 1 a 4, indique o grau de interesse do seu educando face ao projeto.
    1-nada interessado, 2-pouco interessado,3-Interessado,4- Bastante Interssado

    De 1 a 4, avalie a importância geral do projeto.
    1-nada importante, 2-pouco importante,3-Importante,4- Bastante Importante

    Espaço para observações ou sugestões

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Marchas Populares Portugal "Boats of my Judeu's river"

The popular marches of our county in honor of St. Peter initiated the opening of festivities June 25 on the city of Seixal. Having regard to the topic of the Comenius project and the location of our parish by the Jewish river, (the Tagus river arm that bathes our capital, Lisbon), the theme of our march were the varinos boats that once were transporting people and goods to the capital. The costumes were inspired in the blue sea. The parents' association of our school took charge of the confection of the costumes , the arches and the choreography that featured, got the help of our school's coordinator Maria Luís Velez, who was the godmother of the marches. The creator of the lyrics and the music of the song the music teacher Mário Barradas was the godfather.

The godmother and the godfather of the marches:

Individualities were present to support our school: director of the group of schools, deputy director, former coordinator and all the coordinators of the other primary schools.

Shared Classes

In these two years of the project, we had some shared classes were we researched, played and learned many interesting things about our project.

Our wonderful project countries

Sunday 28 June 2015

Comenius day in Croatia/Day of our school Primary school Šemovec

We set up an exhibition of pictures from our trips around EU which could be seen all week before The day of Primary school Šemovec. Here are some pictures.

A few pictures from the celebration part of The day of Primary school Šemovec